‪(408) 638-7003

Additional Resources
A list of similar organizations to help you on your journey.
-National Organization on Disability (NOD) (www.nod.org): NOD is a nonprofit that promotes the full participation of people with disabilities in all aspects of life. They offer various resources, including employment programs and initiatives.
-AbilityNet (www.abilitynet.org.uk): AbilityNet is a UK-based charity that helps disabled individuals and older people use technology to enhance their lives. They provide free information, advice, and support on various assistive technologies.
-United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) (www.ucp.org): UCP is a nonprofit organization that supports people with cerebral palsy and other disabilities, advocating for their inclusion and independence.
-National Federation of the Blind (NFB) (www.nfb.org): NFB is an organization that works to improve the lives of blind and visually impaired individuals through advocacy, education, and support.
-Deafblind International (www.deafblindinternational.org): Deafblind International focuses on promoting the rights and well-being of individuals who are deafblind, providing resources, and connecting communities worldwide.
-Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation (www.christopherreeve.org): The Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation focuses on improving the quality of life for people living with paralysis and supporting spinal cord injury research and rehabilitation programs.
-Global Genes (www.globalgenes.org): Global Genes is a nonprofit organization that advocates for rare disease communities. They provide resources and support to patients and families affected by rare genetic disorders.
-EveryLife Foundation for Rare Diseases (www.everylifefoundation.org): EveryLife Foundation is dedicated to accelerating biotech innovation for rare disease treatments. They advocate for policies that support the development of rare disease therapies.